Delta will take part with study results in the International Conference “Plaksin Readings - 2024. Innovative Processes of Enrichment and Deep Processing of Rare Metals and Mining & Chemical Mineral Stocks and Base Metals Complex Ores”. This year the venue is the Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences in Apatity from September 23 to 27, 2024.
Plaksin Readings represent the main achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of complex and deep processing of mineral raw materials. The conference program is available here. Our speaker will make presentation within conference section “Integrated Processing of Mineral Stocks using Hydrometallurgical Processes″.
Delta will present the results of the research carried out within the framework of cooperation with Kola MMC, that deals with the development of a solution to make a compact form of saleable product. The work is of great practical interest both for Nornickel and the industry at large.