Russian and CIS countries regulation-based project adaptation services
Today, adaptation of projects and design solutions developed by international engineers and suppliers to implement it in Russia and CIS countries is still relevant. When supplying equipment or providing EP/EPC/EPCM services, international companies increasingly act as a design organization, and the possibility to directly use the design documentation developed by such company without adaptation is very limited.
Implementing projects as a part of multinational teams we have mastered the best practices, systems and procedures of project controls and project management and project adaptation by applying specific Russian and CIS countries legal and technical requirements.
Delta is ready to offer the following range of services for adaptation projects:
- Evaluation of the possibility in principle of using technologies, equipment and materials in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
- Adjustment of design solutions (Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering and other stages) in accordance with building codes and regulations in force in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, fire risk assessment, etc.;
- Development of additional sections of the project required to pass the State Expert Review in accordance with the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 87 as of 16.02.2008 “Regulation on Composition of Design Documentation Sections and Requirements to its Contents”;
- Coordination of proposed brands of equipment used in the project, availability of certification in the Russian Federation, proposal of alternatives;
- Support and coordination of technical documentation in FAU “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”, State Environmental Expert Review and other supervisory bodies of the Russian Federation;
- Author's supervision of construction with prompt consulting of contractors on arising issues.
Delta's experts have extensive professional experience of interacting with international specialists in order to coordinate changes to the project. We will ensure correct translation and editing of drawings and technical documentation into Russian.